A day in the life of Arlington House by Hazel Entwistle

Hazel Entwistle (shown in photo) is one of our most lively, caring and popular members of staff. She is well-known by all residents and visitors, and we were delighted when she wrote a recent blog about life at Arlington House, from our residents’ perspective. Enjoy!

2018-03-23T09:13:40+00:00March 23rd, 2018|Update|

New extension update – Early Bird bookings being taken

Our new extension is in full swing. One wing is complete and we are now taking Early Bird bookings on our five new en-suite bedrooms (at the time of writing, three rooms have already been reserved). Please call 01925 267576 to reserve a room.

2018-01-25T12:32:32+00:00January 25th, 2018|Update|

A poem from Ceri about Arlington House

Whenever one of our staff members has a good idea, we’re all ears. So when Ceri Pritchard (one of our day-time Care Assistants) told us she had written a poem about working at Arlington House – we felt compelled to share it with a wider audience. Thanks Ceri and keep up the excellent work.

2017-11-26T19:18:31+00:00November 26th, 2017|Update|

New extension update

Many of you will have seen that our extension (which started in August 2017) is coming along nicely. We will be getting some new resident bedrooms, a hair salon, plus more communal space in our existing lounge and dining room. The aim of the new extension is to retain the unique, personal feel of Arlington House, while giving our residents and staff more space to enjoy.

2017-11-26T19:19:28+00:00November 26th, 2017|Update|

Looking for a care home, but don’t know where to start?

Read our “Taking the stress out of finding a care home” blog – we hope it helps.

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