Puppy Love

We recently welcomed a new visitor to Arlington House, Lupin the dog!

On the activities front, we are always on the lookout for new, creative, and exciting initiatives. So, when we were approached by “Pets As Therapy” to come into the home and engage with our residents and staff, we didn’t think twice.

Everyone knows the importance and value of pets/animals and the positive impact they can have on people’s lives. And Lupin certainly didn’t let us down!

Each resident got their own contact time with Lupin. Some played with him, some talked with him, and some patted him. It was great to see all the interactions and memories come flooding back – as many of our residents were proud pet owners prior to coming to Arlington House.

We would love to have another visit from Pets As Therapy – as it’s a very different type of activity for our residents to enjoy. It’s also an activity which appeals to numerous senses – which is always good for the mind and body.

At the end of the session, we asked a few residents to describe Lupin in their own words. Here’s what they said:

“Lupin was very comforting, and he was smiley.” Brenda T

“He was lovely, very huggable.” Pat W

“I loved him, when is he coming back?!” Doreen Mc