Arlington House Care Home

Our care – emotional, physical and social welfare of our residents are all equally important

Our care

Choosing a residential home is a big decision. It’s not just about the rooms, the location and the facilities; it’s about every last detail – from the morning routines and daytime activities, to the food, conversation and friendships that make people feel special.

At Arlington House we believe that the emotional, physical and social welfare of our residents are all equally important. So, we take the time to understand as much as we can about a person before putting together a personalised care plan to match their specific needs.

Besides talking to the resident about their likes and preferences, we invite family members and loved ones to help us build up a complete picture of what makes them happy. By considering everything from mobility and dietary requirements, to hobbies, interests and personality, we make sure the right level of support is in place from the very beginning.

As a residential home, we don’t provide nursing care, but we do look after individuals with EMI needs and dementia. If you are unsure about the specific health requirements, please ask and we’ll talk you through the criteria.

We also offer respite care which is an ideal way to experience the great care, tasty food and peaceful atmosphere of Arlington House.

Finally, to ensure we maximise resident care and maintain our exceptional standards, our management team and staff follow four simple core values. These values are at the heart of everything we do 24/7:





Our fees

Fees are arranged on an individual basis and are aligned with local Council rates. Our fees are fully inclusive – the only extras are hairdressing (offered at pensioner rates), chiropody and newspaper charges.

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